Fireplaces questions and answers

What is the biofuel made of?
Bioethanol is a natural fuel produced from plant materials. It is biodegradable, 100% renewable and environmentally friendly. It is nothing more than a properly selected alcohol, such as ethyl alcohol. The effect of combustion is carbon dioxide and water vapor emitted in similar amounts to the exhaled air of an adult. The water vapor humidifies the air, and the fire does not produce smoke or soot. Thermal parameters, or a comparison of the calorific value of different raw materials: biofuel about 30 MJ/kg, wood 12MJ/kg, gasoline 45MJ/kg, hard coal 24 MJ/kg.
Can the bio-fireplace stand in all places?
Keep a safe distance from flammable objects, such as curtains or drapes. And let's not forget about our children, who must not be left unattended near a lit bio-fireplace.
What is the bio-fireplace insert made of?
A biofuel insert consists of a bottom part of a container made of 2 mm thick sheet metal, powder coated with heat-resistant black semi-matte paint, inside of which there is a ceramic filling (aluminosilicate mat). It is non-flammable, resistant to temperatures up to 1260 degrees C (it does not melt !) - while it perfectly absorbs bioethanol and prevents it from floating in the burner. The upper part of the bioethanol cartridge is: -metal mesh protecting the ceramic mat, -steel grille with holes, made of 3 mm thick metal sheet, which is designed to improve the circulation of bioethanol vapors and provides support for the lid of the insert, -movable lid of the insert, allowing you to adjust the size of the flame, made of 5-6 mm thick metal sheet - depending on the size of the burner (the longer the fire line, the thicker the lid).
Can a bio-fireplace be burned all day and night?
Yes, but under supervision because in a bio-fireplace there is a real fire that produces a lot of heat, and for safety reasons the same caution should be taken as when using an iron, gas stove or traditional fireplace. From the technological side, the only break in the operation of the bio-fireplace is the time to refill the bio-fuel, and do not forget that this should be done on a cooled hearth.
Don't the glass panes in bio-fireplaces crack?
A properly used bio-fireplace is not damaged. The glass may break as a result of stress caused by over-tightening the fasteners. Of course, the glass can break as a result of impact or pouring cold water when the bio-fireplace is lit.
Does the bio-fireplace need special maintenance?
If we use a good biofuel from a proven manufacturer, our bio-fireplace will not maintenance.
Is it necessary to replace anything in the bio-fireplace and after how long?
If we use our bio-fireplace as intended and according to the manufacturer's instructions, it will serve us without fail for many years.
Does the glass of the bio-fireplace get hot a lot?
Yes, the glass is hot. It can be as hot as the housing of the bio-fireplace. The protective glass protects you from putting your hand into the fire, but it does not protect you from getting burned. In bio-fireplaces, even a remote single tempered glass panel gets hot a lot. (In ovens there are double panes of glass - therefore, this outer glass does not heat up so much).
Don't the glass panes in bio-fireplaces crack?
A properly used bio-fireplace is not damaged. The glass may break as a result of stress caused by over-tightening the fasteners. Of course, the glass can break as a result of impact or pouring cold water when the bio-fireplace is lit.
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